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FLY Racing “Focus Series” | Episode One


INSTAGRAM | @flyracingusa
INSTAGRAM | @zacho_16


The start of a new race season always brings a rush of content from industry brands. FLY Racing just released their new docuseries, “Focus,” which shows the effort and intensity that every racer endures in their quest for success. Zach Osborne is the subject of the debut episode and the four-minute video highlights his run to the 450 MX championship in 2020 and his efforts to defend the number one plate this summer.

Zach Osborne is no stranger to the feeling of being a champion. His career accomplishments speak for themselves with multiple championships, wins and the current number 1 plate going into the 2021 outdoor season, but with that comes adversity and battling injuries. Join us as we dive into the preparation and struggles Zacho was faced with when chasing the 2020 outdoor championship.

Michael Antonovich

Michael Antonovich has a wealth of experience with over 10 years of moto-journalism under his belt. A lifelong racing enthusiast and rider, Anton is the Editor of Swapmoto Live and lives to be at the race track.

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