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In The Bag | Monster Energy Kawasaki’s Justin Shantie


INSTAGRAM | @swapmotolive
INSTAGRAM | @swapmotolivedotcom
INSTAGRAM | @j_shan_

What does a professional motocross mechanic carry with them to the starting line for every race? We asked Justin Shantie to give us a quick glimpse of the tools, spare parts, and assorted pieces that he packs into a Mechanix Wear tool toolbelt. A longtime wrench who has learned from some of the best, Shantie has almost everything necessary to keep Adam Cianciarulo’s Monster Energy Kawasaki running right.

Michael Antonovich

Michael Antonovich has a wealth of experience with over 10 years of moto-journalism under his belt. A lifelong racing enthusiast and rider, Anton is the Editor of Swapmoto Live and lives to be at the race track.

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